S3 CRR( Cross Region Relpcation) The automatic, asynchronous copying of objects between buckets in the same or separate AWS Regions is known as replication.Replication transfers newly formed objects and object changes from one bucket to another. In this example, We will setup replication for source and destination buckets that are owned by the same AWS account Below example is provided for using the Amazon S3 console Table of ContentsS3 CRR( Cross Region Relpcation)S3 CRR-Using Amazon
By default, all Amazon S3 objects are private and object owner can access them. No one can access other then owner , however Pre-signed URL for an Amazon S3 object allows anyone who receives the S3 presigned URL to retrieve the S3 object with an HTTP GET request. All presigned URL’s now can use sigv4 so the region needs to be configured explicitly. Method 1- Sharing Object using AWS console. A Test file Uploaded in
Amazon S3 Static Website Amazon S3, a cloud storage service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS),presents an innovative and cost-effective solution for building static websites that not only load quickly but also provide a good user experience. Amazon S3, originally designed for storing and retrieving data, but it can be used for hosting static websites. Unlike traditional dynamic websites, static websites consist of fixed HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that remain constant for each visitor.
Nexus vPC ( Virtual Port Channel) Definition: A vPC is a Cisco proprietary technology that allows us to create a virtual link aggregation group (LAG) between two Nexus switches, enabling them to be seen as a single logical entity. Enhancing Resilience: The primary purpose of vPC is to enhance redundancy and eliminate the risk of a single point of failure in network designs. Loop-Free Topology: By establishing a loop-free topology, vPC facilitates efficient traffic distribution
Online IP Subnet Calculator
Category: Blog
What is IP subnet. Subnetting a network is the process of dividing it logically. Subnetting is the process of separating a network into smaller sections known as subnets. Subnetting is applicable to IP addresses since it is done by borrowing bits from the IP address’s host section. In a sense, the IP address includes three parts: the network part, the subnet part, and the host part. Visual Subnet Calculator Subnet Calculator CIDR CIDR, or Classless