Fun Facts About Computer Networking

Fun Facts About Networking Networks are everywhere! From the complex connections that power the internet to the simple Bluetooth link between your phone and headphones, these invisible threads bind our digital world together. But how much do you REALLY know about networking? Buckle up, because we’re about to unravel some fascinating facts that might surprise you! Undersea Superhighways: The internet’s backbone isn’t made of wires, but of fiber optic cables! These cables snake across the

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Online IP Subnet Calculator

What is IP subnet. Subnetting a network is the process of dividing it logically. Subnetting is the process of separating a network into smaller sections known as subnets. Subnetting is applicable to IP addresses since it is done by borrowing bits from the IP address’s host section. In a sense, the IP address includes three parts: the network part, the subnet part, and the host part. Visual Subnet Calculator CIDR CIDR, or Classless Inter Domain

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Online PING IPv4 and IPv6 address

What Does PING command do? PING Command test reachabilty of any IP (Internet Protocol) Netwok host. How Does PING work?Ping operates by sending an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo Request to a specific network interface and waiting for a response. When a ping command is given, a ping signal is delivered to the destination IP address. The destination host answers to the echo request by sending an echo reply packet. What is PING ?

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